Monday, April 2, 2012

Cross Roads

I often ponder what this world is coming to. It seems to me that daily I am shown a facet of our society that makes utterly no sense at all. It's sad that we are the smartest mammal on the planet and yet we cannot even figure out right from wrong.

How many times have you heard a story about someone and asked if that really happened? The person telling the story confirms that it is true. Most of us them move along our merry journey in life. Shouldn't we stop and take note? Shouldn't we be the ones to affect a change in what we know is wrong? Why is it that we do not?

It's time make that change. It's time to become the person who echoes those stories it's time to become someone who does the right thing. It is your world and your children's world; let us make this world a better place. Show our children what it is to be truly good people and not just say that we are good but do good.

Time and time again we hope that someone else will take a stance to make the changes necessary. Unfortunately this never happens. It's time to make those changes. It's time to rock the boat. In fact it's past time to raise our voices. Take action. Stand your ground and never back down. Stop being bullied for being a man or a woman, a father or a mother. I know both sexes have issues in this world. It's time for true equalization. Men are just as good at being parents as women are. Give men an equal chance at custody. Don't strip the mother of her rights either. This is not a one way street. This is an avenue which needs to be kept very clean. This is an avenue that needs to be carefully watched, so that one side is not chosen over the other on a consistent basis. A child's custody should be decided on the merit of the parent, their ability to care for the child and support the child in every way the child needs to be supported. Would you give your child to a bum on the street? Then why should we allow children to be raised by people who do not have the mental stability to raise your child?

Make a stand with me. Fight for what is right for our future, our children. Without our children receiving the care they need and deserve our society is in for a brutal awakening.

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