Monday, April 2, 2012

About Me

Dear Reader,
I know I should have posted this first, the last post was just weighing to heavily on me. So here we go.
I am a 36 year old male from California. I am currently going through a divorce with a woman who I still love but will not work things out with me. I am not mad at her as a person but I do not trust her with our daughter because as I have seen through the years she does not tell or appreciate the truth. Some of the stories she has told me through the years have changed dramatically each time she told them.
You may be asking yourself how can he love someone like that. Answering honestly I cannot explain why or how I still love her but I do. I am not writing this to hurt her in any way shape or form, but I am worried about our three year old daughter and the example she will see living with her mother a majority of the time. I do not want her to grow up thinking that is normal because she sees it from her mother most of the time. There are other issues that I will not discuss in this forum because I cannot prove them. I will only be stating what I know to be the God's honest truth and any research I have to support what I am saying. I will also include links to sites I think are pertinent to this blog.
In the future this blog will not only be about a divorce and what is wrong with our system and the issues I am currently going through but all issues potentially affecting our children in the future. I sincerely hope that you will enjoy reading my blogs as much as I enjoy putting them out there for you. Please if you like what I have to say feel free to share it with anyone you like.
I know that most people do not air their dirty laundry in public, but this is something I need everyone's support with and as I begin to address more issues I hope this brings people together to make the necessary changes to our broken system.
I do not expect to be a huge force for change as I am not as prolific as some of the other bloggers out there. I do hope that what I have to say will help others going through what I am going through and later make people think about our world and what needs to be changed for our children’s sake.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you come back again and again to read the current topic I am discussing or to comment on a previous topic, either way please come back again.

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